Lunchtime Poems

I’m chewing my morning granola bar as
The birds chirp,
The sun peeks out of the clouds,
Nature takes its morning stretch,
Climbing out of its night slumber.


I’m sitting at my desk,
Typing out a poem,
Finishing my weekly assignments.
The occasional zoom of the cars
Passing by
Outside my window
Distract me from time to time.
The wind blows,
And the clouds bunch together
Maybe rain will come.

We’re in the city,
Admiring the rows and rows of shops and apartments.
Munching on mochi donuts
Bought from a tea house.
Sipping bubble tea.
Roaming around the streets
In the car.

A New, Unfamiliar Place

The clattering of the rusty, fragile metal truck came to a stop as the vehicle slowed down. I looked up through the small opening at the top of my dome. The shackles that held me down swayed against each other, and I flinched when they cut through my blistered, dry skin. 

Loud shouts in a language I have learned to understand come from the front of the truck. They are coming to take us out. Muffled groans and muttering come from all around me. I twist my head to see the back of the truck slowly rise, and the light from outside burns my eyes. 

“Out! Out you go!” the people shout as they come and push us out of the truck. My bare feet touch the hard, rough gravel on the ground that feels so familiar, cutting through the dry skin and still new blisters from days ago. I squint at the burning hot sun and try to stretch my sore limbs from staying in the truck for so long. 

“Let’s go!” shouts one of the men and we are guided across the rocky road. I clench my teeth each step I go, the pain sending shoots up my legs. 

“Quick it up,” barks one of the stronger men, shoving me forward. I will need to find something to help with my feet. I look around and I see some big leaves on the ground, probably dropped by someone carrying it to the big building up ahead. When no one is looking my way, I pick up some of them and hide them in the raggy leftovers of my clothes. This leaf is aloe vera. I think it will help me with my bruises. 

Soon, we arrive at a large, stone wall. The gates stand in the middle of the road, and the men shout some orders at the people within the walls. An old, tired-looking woman slowly comes out and orders some men to open the gates. We walk in and as we are struggling in unraveling the shackles, I see people looking our way, whispering words I do not understand. After our shackles are untied, I lift up my wrists to see scars and bruises. The stickiness of the leaves on my chest feel so cool and refreshing, and I yearn to take them out. However, I must wait until I am alone. 

We are guided to small wooden shacks where many people crowd together. I hope that I am given a smaller house for myself, but I know I cannot guarantee that will happen. The staff lead us to our own houses, and I end up in a room with another man, probably older than me. He looks similar to me; darker skin, tired eyes, blistered hands and feet. I quietly pull out the leaves I have hid earlier and break one into smaller parts, letting the refreshing liquid ooze onto my wounds. I glance at the man sitting on the other side of the room, and I walk over to him reaching my arm out with a piece of the leaf. He looks up at me and nods, taking the leaf away from me. I turn to sit back down. After I clear my wounds with the one of the three leaves I have picked up, I sit down and ponder. I think about the less sunny, less humid place I used to be in, Oklahoma. I lived so well there, and I had a job at a restaurant. I would clean the tables and wash the dishes everyday, earning some money for me to stay alive. I liked it better there. I had many friends, but none of them helped me when I was in need. Here, I will live by myself and only need myself. This new place, what they call California, is much warmer and the sun burns my skin, but I think I will get used to this place.


Week 8 blog challenge

Hello everyone! Today for the eighth blog challenge, I have asked my sister to critique my blog!

Hi guys! I’m Scarlett’s sister! I am very glad to be in today’s blog!

First Impressions:

Scarlett’s sister: I really liked the background colors! They were pastel and cute. Her avatar was also really pretty. I liked her sketch and the tree tutorial.

Scarlett: My sister also told me that the pictures were somewhat blurry. Sorry!

What captured your attention?

Scarlett’s sister: Hmm… I think the emoji was the most obvious. It stood out with bright colors and it was big 😀

Scarlett: She doesn’t like it. :-]

What distracted you on the blog?

Scarlett’s sister: Distracted? Hmm… What do you mean my distracted? Umm.. I was distracted by the words. Lots of words. Too many words >.<

Scarlett: Of course there’s going to be words. It’s a blog. -.-

What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?

Scarlett’s sister: Umm.. I think your blog was really nice. Maybe you should try updating on time .-.

Scarlett: hehehehehheheh Yea I update a little too late sometimes. Sorry guys! I’ll try to make them on time!


Well! That’s it for the interview! Did you guys enjoy meeting my sister?

Tell me some suggestions as well in the comments!

Week 6 Blog Challenge

Hi guys! Today we will be talking about emojis!!!! 🙂

I really like using emojis when I text my friends. They give more emotions to the things I say. Lots of people say that things you say on text can be interpreted differently, but using emojis helps get your emotions across easily! Instead of awkwardly saying that your happy, you can use an emoji to show that you are content. 🙂

Today I have made an emoji to represent myself! It looks like this:

This emoji represents me because I have a light skin color, black hair, and black eyes. I really like to draw as well, which is why I have an art palette in my hand and artistic hat on my head. I like expressing my emotions with hearts and kissy-faces. I love giving love to my family and friends! I have many great great friends and I love them a lot! <3

I made this picture using Code Emoji Project!

Try making your own emoji with the link above! Show me what yours looks like in the comments section!



Week 5 Blog Challenge

Hi! Welcome back!~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

For the 6th week’s blog challenge, we are required to blog something about music. I decided to do the playlist option. I created a playlist on YouTube to share with you guys!

Please keep in mind these are my song preferences. They might not suit yours!

Click here to see my playlist!


The first song is “2002” by Anne Marie. I like this song because it’s refreshing and the chorus sounds really nice.

The second song is “Run Free” by Deep Chills feat. IVIE. This song is nice because its great to sing along and has a nice break. I like the beats and the background music too.

Next, there is “Without Me” by Halsey. I love this song. It’s so cool and the beat is strong. The lyrics are very meaningful and the song tells a story. This song is so sad but refreshing, and it’s a really nice song to dance to.

“Little do You Know” by Alex and Sierra is a strong song with lyrics that tell a sad tale. I really like the tune and the sadness in the song.

“Dumb Litty” by Kard is such a cool song. I really like jamming to this song in the car! It’s so upbeat and carefree!

Next is “Wave” by Ateez. This song is calm and smooth. I like the flow that it gives me. The song is like a wave, refreshing and slow.

“Flash” by X1 is such a groovy song. I like learning dances to kpop songs! Then, I can dance along! It’s really cool and I recommend it a lot!

“不仅仅是喜欢” or “Not just Like”, is a Chinese song. I am Chinese myself, so I also like listening to  Chinese songs. This song is more simple and not much background music. I like it a lot, though!

“来自天堂的魔” by G.E.M. is a really popular song in China. The artist, G.E.M., creates really nice songs. Her songs are of many different genres.

“失明飞行” is a song I like to listen to when going to the school in the morning. It’s really calm and the lyrics are slightly unclear, which makes it really nice to listen to.

“光年之外” is another song by G.E.M. She creates so many songs and I love them so much. This song is based on a movie, “Passenger”.

“芒种” is actually a computer generated song. These types of songs are popular in China. It’s really cool how people use computers to make songs that sound like an actual person is singing it!

“Boy with Luv”, by BTS is probably a song that many people know. BTS is a really popular korean pop group. I love this group so much and their comebacks are amazing!!

“Devil” by CLC is a song I was introduced to a few days ago. The song gives a nice vibe and the dance is very cool!

And there we have it! My whole playlist! I hope you guys enjoyed the songs that I grouped together! Maybe later on, I will add more songs to it! What type of songs do you guys like? Please tell me in the comments!


daddy            kattie          aaron

Drawing A Nice, Calming, Fall Scene

Hey guys!

Today I will be teaching you guys how to draw a fall background. I really like backgrounds because they are calming to the mind and are very pretty. In the scene we are drawing today, we are focusing on a tree and falling leaves around it.

In this tutorial, you will need these items:

If you are working on paper: Paper, pencil, black outline pen, colors (watercolor, crayons, colored pencil) Markers aren’t preferred!

If you are working on the computer, you can use any drawing app. I used Sketchbook. It is free and works well.

First, we draw the outline of the tree. You can use a pencil or a light tool on the computer app. In Sketchbook, I used the Paintbrush tool. You can use images on the internet for templates. This is what my tree outline looks like:

Your tree can look however you want it to look. It can be big, thin, or medium. It can have long roots reaching in and out of the ground, too. I made mine slightly thinner and more branches.

Next, we outline the tree to make it stand out more. I used the Ballpoint pen on the computer. On paper, you can use a regular black pen or ballpoint pen. After outlining, it should look cleaner and neater. You can erase the pencil markings, too.

Next we can draw the leaves. First, we draw a sketch of the outline of the tree leaves. Like this:

This is just for a clearer image of the amount of leaves you want on your tree. If you don’t want to, it is optional.

Then, we can draw some extra small branches onto larger branches of the tree. This is to make it look like there will be more leaves attached to the smaller branches. Make sure you draw it in another layer or in erasable pencil.

Since we have such a big tree, we wouldn’t want to draw each leaf one by one. That would just be a waste of time. So, we can draw scribbles with our pencils or paintbrush tool. For the paintbrush tool, set the settings to 0.3. You should sharpen your pencil until it is sharp and thin.

Next, we can erase the background outline for the leaves.

After that, we can start drawing the bark on the tree. On paper, You can just make dotted lines. Some can be shorter, some can be longer. On the computer, you can use the pencil tool to make the lines and dots. Make sure that there is a balance of short and long dots and lines!

Next, we can start with the ground. We can use the airbrush tool to make an outline of where the grass is going to start and end. On paper, you can make a light line with pencil to erase later.

Then, we can add dots to represent the grass. On the computer, you can duplicate the dots once you make enough of them. I used the chisel tip pen. On paper, Your stuck with dotting along the whole bottom paper with pen ._. Make sure you don’t dot on the bark of the tree.

Then, we can erase the line we made to guide you along when you make the grass.

Now, We can start adding color! We do this to the grass first. the top should be lighter, while the bottom should have a darker tint. On Sketchbook, I used the airbrush tool. On paper, you should use colored pencil or watercolor.

For the sky, we can use a sky blue color. Darker on the bottom, lighter on the top, just like the grass.

Then, we can add orange and red to the leaves. You should mix the colors together and make a nice combination of orange-red:

Finally we can, add some leaves to the floor. You can use scribbles, and you can also add leaves falling from the trees. If you want leaves drifting down, here are some leaf templates:

Image result for leaf


I really like these leaves because they are simple and pretty.

When you have your leaves, you can add color to them and add more to the ground. Then you have your final piece of art!

What did your masterpiece look like? Share with me in the comments below!

Week 3 Blog Challenge


Hey guys! Welcome back! In this week’s blog challenge, we are required to present a blog about images. I have personally created a sketch of my avatar on sketchbook. This drawing took me about ten minutes. The final sketch turned out like this:

(Sorry, It’s a little blurry. Hehe)

I used an app called Sketchbook. You can get it on a computer or an iPad. Personally, I think I did a pretty good job on the sketch!

It’s important to carefully use pictures when you are on the internet. When you take pictures from Google, there can still be copyright. So, you can make your own version of the drawing, like I did, and give credit to the original drawing. The original drawing from this sketch is from google, and the artist is yousinyu.  I think (s)he is an amazing artist and is really great at drawing anime.

If you don’t know who drew the picture or who took the photograph, you might as well copy the url from where you got the image from. This helps give credit to where you got the image from. Using pictures can be dangerous if you don’t give credit to the source. Good luck using all your pictures! 🙂

Week 1 blog 1

Hi everyone and welcome to my blogging page! My name is Scarlett and I’m 13 years old. I go to middle school and I guess my life there is…pretty good. I have lots of friends and I like hanging out with them. There are a few clubs I attend at my school as well.

In my middle school in New York, there are several different types of friend groups. First of all, there is the shy, unpopular kids. There are two of these groups, one for girls and one for boys. These kids are actually really nice when you get to know them, but they don’t like lots of attention, so they stay low. Then, there are the “Jewish kids”. In  my area there are a lot of Jews, so many of them go to my school. These kids tend to be outgoing and popular, but some of them lie in the shy kids group, too. Some of them are really nice, but others aren’t very welcoming. There is also the “Smart boys group”, which consists mostly of Asians. But, there are American kids as well. Then, there is the Asian girl group. This group consists of a lot of people as well. These girls are nice, but sometimes can be a bit loud.

My hobbies are playing the violin, tennis, swimming, and drawing. I take tennis lessons and I swim over the summer when the temperature is warmer. I used to take drawing classes, but I don’t anymore. I also like to sleep. I sleep in on the weekends and I usually almost miss my bus. Hehe. I need to do a better job at getting up on time…:-). I like to cook, too. Sometimes I cook for my family because I get to choose what to eat. I like pasta and Asian food. I like spicy foods, as well. I love to eat Chinese, Japanese, and Korean food. So yummy…

Moving on to life goals. In the future, I would like to have a good career. I want to be successful in life and always stay happy. I also want to have my own family, as well as keep the family I have right now. I want them to be happy and healthy. I also want to find a nice career and earn a nice amount of money for myself and my family. I want to stay healthy as well. I want to maintain a good life and even if I do encounter problems, I want to be able to solve them all. So, now, I want to work hard on my studies for a better future.

Week 1 Blog Challenge


In the first week of the blog challenge, we are required to create an avatar. This is what my avatar looks like…

I found this picture on the Internet, so I did not use a website to create the avatar.

This character resembles me because we both have long, dark, brown and black hair. We both have lighter skin and big, brownish-black eyes. I also wear a watch on my left wrist. I like the colors black, white, and red. As for me, I prefer wearing sneakers and more comfortable shoes. This girl also ties her hair back in a ponytail, which I do often. She wears ripped black jeans, which is my go-to choice, and a T-shirt with a jacket, also a combination I love. We seem fairly relevant, which is why I chose this character as my avatar.

This was a delayed post, but I hope I can get the next few blogs in on time! Thank you guys for reading! Tell me about yourself in the comments!


Week 2 Blog Challenge


      Welcome to another blog! This week we will be talking about commenting on other people’s blogs.

First I will guide in how to reach the comment box on blogs. When you go to my home page, under each blog there is a string of words on the left side that says, “Leave a Comment” or “# comments”. When you click on it, it leads you to a page with the blog you want to comment on and a box for you to comment in. Other people’s blogs may not look the same as my blog nor have the same format. Usually, you just want to look for a button that says something along the lines of, “Comments”, “Leave a Comment”, or “# Comments”. That is how you get to the comments section where you can write your own comment.

Next, we need to write our comment. When writing comments, we need to keep in mind that we have to write appropriately, and sometimes formally. After reading through the blog, we can start with a starting “Dear, (blogger’s name)” or a “Hi”. Then, we look at what we read in the blog and what we found interesting or questionable, and write something. We can ask a question, or state something interesting! It could be short or long. After writing what you want to tell the blogger, you can tell him or her to visit your page too! Adding a link or inviting them to check your page out is a way they can have access to your page. Then, you can use a closing, such as “From..”, “Love..”, or just your name.

There we are! Our comment is finished! Commenting on other people’s blogs is always fun because you get to connect with people! Now, go comment!